"Everything should be as simple as possible, but no simpler." - Albert Einstein |
Dragonflies that cross oceans: simple observations lead to breathtaking discoveries
Pradaxa commercial: "in a clinical trial... proven superior to warfarin at reducing the risk of stroke"
Extra credit readings
"Biology is applied chemistry." - Anon. |
Hydrogen is very reactive: Hindenburg explosion
Hydrogen is very reactive: balloon explosion (HHMI)
Water pulled up a tree due to cohesion
Birds dance on water due to surface tension
Hydrogen fuel cell with PEM technology
Peptic Ulcer: why 'medications to suppress stomach acid'?
Extra credit readings
"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the precipitate." - Anon. |
Plasma membrane: fluid mosaic model
Cystic Fibrosis Pulmonary Disease: genetic defect in membrane protein that transports chloride ions
Action of epinephrine (adrenaline): role of beta-adrenergic receptors, diffusion, ATP, glycogen, glucose
Mitochondrial DNA: tracing human ancestry
Chloroplasts in Elodea: streaming
Cytoskeleton diversity: microtubules
Cell crawling 1: amoeba uses pseudopods
Cell crawling 2: neutrophil on the chase
Cell crawling 3: fibroblasts on the loose
Organelle movement along microtubule: kinesin walking, powered by ATP
Proton pump inhibitors (active transport)
How a flu virus invades your body: by binding to membrane proteins
Endocytosis of LDL Cholesterol: to make new membranes
Endosymbiosis ; evolution of mitochondrion and chloroplast
Fecal Microbiota Transplantation: symbiotic bacteria to the rescue
Extra credit readings
"When you breathe, you respire. When you do not breathe, you expire." - Anon. |
Spinach-powered battery: photosynthetic alternative energy
A photosynthetic sea slug
Proton pump inhibitors (Perrigo Company infomercial)
Dengue virus: Proton pump lowers pH (University of Massachusetts Medical School)
Biofuel from tofu waste by fermentation
The worlds first commercial scale cellulosic ethanol plant
Energy sources for prolonged exercise
Extra credit readings
"You are what your grandmother ate" - Neil deGrasse Tyson |
Chromosome 11 Flyover: few genes, many olfactory genes nonfunctional
Inhibiting HIV reverse transcriptase: nevirapine is a non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor
RNA can fold like a protein and act as a catalyst (HHMI)
A mutation story: why can dogs synthesize vitamin C, but not humans and other primates?
PCR animation (HHMI)
Genetic bacterial engineering could herald new era of biofuels
Ebola vaccine in GM tobacco plants
GMO Soybeans & Sustainability: herbicide and no-till
Genetically Modified Salmon Coming Soon? (Link TV)
Genetically modified mosquitoes bred to fight Zika
Golden rice: enriched with beta carotene to treat vitamin A deficiency (PRI)
The Future of Food 25:30-30:00 engineering Roundup Ready corn
Therapeutic cloning I : nuclear transfer (HHMI)
Therapeutic cloning II : making a blastocyst (HHMI)
Therapeutic cloning III : blastocyst development (HHMI)
Therapeutic cloning IV : growing stem cells (HHMI)
First baby born with DNA from 3 parents
Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)
Breeding out disease (CBS 60 Minutes, 10/26, 2014)1:30 - 6:45
Personal DNA testing 4:30 - 10:30 What are your genetic risk factors? (NOVA scienceNOW)
Extra credit readings
"In the first step of meiosis, you don't divide by two, you multiply by two." - David C. Page |
DNA packaging: histones and nucleosomes (HHMI)
Evolution of human chromosome #2: why do humans have 46 chromosomes, other great apes have 48?
Seedless Watermelon: triploid Colchicine tricks!
Meiosis, crossing over, and the SRY gene: XX males and XY females (HHMI)
Everything You Never Knew About Sex 10:50 "Why do men have nipples?"
Cancer formation: abnormal cell division (HHMI)
Evolution of Y chromosome over 300 million years: are the X and Y really homologous? (HHMI)
Calico cat and X inactivation: random deactivation of an X chromosome
Link Between Down Syndrome and Alzheimer's Disease: chromosome 21 has 250 genes
Extra credit readings
"You are what your grandmother ate" - Neil deGrasse Tyson |
Epigenetic inheritance (you are what your grandmother ate) 3:00-7:10 agouti mice and epigenome (NOVA)
Independent assortment: a Mendelian view of 2 genes
Genetic linkage: dihybrid crosses and gene mapping
Blood types and blood compatibility
Extra credit readings
"Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny." - Ernst Haeckel |
Charles Darwin biography (Discovery Education)
Vampire Finch: annoying but resourceful
Darwin and the Galapagos Islands 11 frames
The extinct banana: dangers of genetic fixation
Collecting turkey semen: it's a dirty job (male cloaca and phallus)
Inseminating turkeys: they can't do it (female cloaca: oviduct and poop hole)
Caspian Terns cloacal kiss: how they do it
Darwin's pigeons: artificial selection
Monito del Monte: a South American marsupial
Archaeopteryx: the feathered dinosaur
Birds Lost Their Teeth over 100 Million Years Ago - genome data December 2014
Whales and hippos, oh my: show me the intermediate fossils (University of Nebraska State Museum)
Analogous bird beaks: convergent evolution between hummingbird and sunbird
Homologous structures: Hox gene in embryos (What Darwin Didn't Know)
Galapagos Finch Evolution: Peter and Rosemary Grant
Extra credit readings
"You can take the frog out of the pond, but you cannot take the pond out of the frog." - Candace Savage |
Mandarin ducklings jump from tree: imprint on mom (BBC Planet Earth)
Giant Pacific Octopus altruistic behavior: she starves to death (27:35)
Australian Giant Cuttlefish cross-dressing "cuckold" sneakers (25:10)
Bullfrog dad shows parental care
Queen bee's wedding flight: phallus from drone is ripped out Peahen
Clark's Grebe: nuptial gift and courtship
Intersexual selection: Vogelkop Bowerbird seduction (BBC Life - Birds)
Katydid courtship female with spermatophore (nuptial gift)
Hermaphrodite leopard slugs mating in midair
Elephant seal beachmaster: size matters
Silkworm moths mating
Oxytocin: the "cuddle chemical"
Honey bee waggle dance
New Caledonian Crow uses meta-tool (PBS Nature "A Murder of Crows") 18:30-20:05
'007′ the Crow solves 8-step puzzle
Extra credit readings
"Man is descended from a hairy, tailed quadruped, probably arboreal in its habits." - Charles Darwin |
Triploid Watermelon: artificial selection with Colchicine
Triploid Oysters
Tragopogon: Understanding the evolution of polyploidy
Polyploidy everywhere 3:00-4:40 sugar cane, banana, cotton, cacoa, wheat, strawberry; oysters
Archaeopteryx the feathered dinosaur grows like a dinosaur, not a bird
Asian-American Land Bridge (Beringia) - for mammoths and humans
Extra credit readings
"To succeed in life, you need three things: a wishbone, a backbone and a funny bone." - Reba McEntire |
Chordates: The Notochord and Vertebrate Movement
Giant Pyrosome and Salps: sea squirts are chordates without vertebrae
Dolphin Tale: is a dolphin a fish?
Whales are mammals 1:40 Humpback calf drinks 500 l of milk per day
Mudskipper can walk on land and breathe air
Raising walking fish on land
Platypus Hunts with "Sixth Sense" - electrolocation
Platypus genome: evolution of monotremes 180 MYA
Do Dolphins Have Hair Follicles? (SeaWorld)
Doggy genes and human diseases
Extra credit readings
"An inefficient virus kills its host, a clever virus stays with it." - James Lovelock |
Poliovirus Vaccine Trial Shows Promise for Brain Tumor
Better batteries through viruses
HIV life cycle: reverse transcriptase, integrase, protease (44 MB) (HHMI) HIV diversity
HIV treatment: AZT blocks reverse transcriptase (HHMI)
HIV treatment: Ritonavir protease inhibitor (HHMI)
Retroviruses and retroviral-like transposons: jumping viruses
Endogenous retroviruses: life cycle and ancestral implications
Repetitive DNA: LINEs, SINEs, and ALUs (transposons); whales and hippos, oh my
Therapeutic antibodies neutralize the flu virus: an alternative to vaccines?
Genetic recombination in flu virus (Note: no crossing over) (HHMI)
Dengue Virus structure: like other flaviviruses such as Zika and West Nile
Dengue virus enters cell by endocytosis (HHMI)
Extra credit readings
"Madam, I'm Adam." - Adam (to Eve) |
Hairmites live in your face!
Swarming locusts
We Love Logistics: UPS managing resources
Why are so many more acorns falling this year? (2016)
Extra credit readings
"The hound is running for his dinner, the rabbit is running for his life." - Aesop |
Trophic cascade in Yellowstone: wolves and deer and forests and rivers
Cordyceps: a killer fungus: is it a decomposer? Parasite?
Lancet fluke: mind control parasite
A golden detritivore
Operation Dung Beetle: David Attenborough
Extra credit readings
"It's important to rescue the frog." - Al Gore |
Nuisance Fish: jumping Asian carp
Ozone hole peaks over Antarctica (2008)
Greenhouse effect: demo in a bottle
Climate Change and the Yin-Yang of Polar Sea Ice: why is Antarctic sea ice increasing?
As polar ice recedes, Maine could become a hub for North America
Extra credit readings
Biolo1100 supplementary material | Updated: Dec 09, 2016. | © Copyleft Peter Chen |