Chapter 15 : Ecosystems and Communities

weevil BRING Parmelia LICHEN and COMPASS plant. Room 1307 dissecting scope cabinet has lichen.
biomes-terrestrial PREVIEW Chicago rainfall: < 1m. Deadliest Catch=Bering Sea crabs; Coniferous=biogeography; penguins antarctic
BBC-PlanetEarth/3.3_ShallowSeas 1:20 Humpback calf drinks 500 l milk/day in tropic; 44 reach poles, 45:10 5M Shearwaters
4:10 Coral reef
biomes-aquatic non-flowing=stagnant mosquitoes
energy_flow This is GOPHER large yellow incisors, not GROUNDHOG white small teeth. Are you HERBIVORE carnivore, omnivore? Trophic cascade in Yellowstone: wolves and deer and forests and rivers
parasite DoQ parasite is consumer! Are YOU a parasite? Financial assistance from parents
Zombie Snails BBC-PlanetEarth/3.2_Jungles/#26:10 Cordyceps fungus Cordyceps: a killer fungus: is it a decomposer? Parasite? Lancet fluke: mind control parasite
decomposers Anyone a DETRITIVORE do you eat chicken, lettuce/cucumber? A golden detritivore Operation Dung Beetle: David Attenborough
energy_pyramid How much food have you eaten?
food_web Hawk on WEASEL? Raccoon or snake. Who eats human?
cycle_carbon 387 ppm=0.04%. Incomplete cycle: some carbon locked in SUGAR cellulose!
WATER cycle: fish PEE get virgin water from transpiration! Water cycle
6=C 1,500,000 species

Copyleft Peter Chen