Chapter 5 : DNA, Gene Expression, and Biotechnology

DNA SAY complementary like sides of DOLLAR bill (use as review). Bring dna MODEL from lab.
genome All cells same DNA! Protein example: keratin skin/nail/hair, melanin
alleles skin color affected by environment?
genome_sizes 3 BILLION base pairs (see 5.3)! 2000 SEQUENCED! How much DNA do you have?
non-coding Non-coding INTRONS! Flyover mentions exons, transposons: see QUIZ! Chromosome 11 Flyover: few genes, many olfactory genes nonfunctional
:30 exons, transposons, globins; skip 3:00-4:00; 60% olfactory nonfunctional
PBS-YourInnerFish InnerMonkey 9:25 Human poor sense of smell: dogs 1000 genes, 600 don't work in humans List of organisms by chromosome count
expression 1970 Crick: this is M RNA; more like grandma's oral RECIPES. Differential EXPRESSION. Inhibiting HIV reverse transcriptase: nevirapine is a non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor
transcription Fannypack UNZIP demo; double helix open and accessible. BRING some MARKERS please.
genetic_code SAY Codon Table, explain codon ACG is Threonine. Do THIS quiz: AAA is mRNA TTT on DNA UUU on tRNA
tRNA ESP genetics/005/mainframe107? RNA can fold like a protein and act as a catalyst (HHMI) Gln=Glutamine; Genetic code in detail later. Example EXPRESSION from TAC to AUG to UAC.
mutant_fly Replication discussed next chapter.
Mutant=change(red eyes), not grotesque monster/disease (lactose tolerance): 1/10B mutation rate
mutations Do substitution (point) on notepad.
Do insertion QUIZ answer is C before TCG.
Set XTRA credit on deletion:
Serine has 2 sets of codons: UCx and AC. Error is last DNA triplet: TC should be CT. How many mutations do your cells have? What caused this deletion mutation? A mutation story: why can dogs synthesize vitamin C, but not humans and other primates?
mutant_protein Aldehyde dehydrogenase! Defective melanin: albino a MUTANT?
Tay-Sachs lipid-digesting enzyme in lysosomes (cell membrane accumulate)
genetic_engineering SKIP cloning & identify steps. Brief summary: is audio only, skips amplify & identify.
recombinant Streptococcus, Salmonella; plasmid=virus
PCR PCR animation mentions PRIMERS, Taq polymerase, annealing (base-pair) PCR animation (HHMI)
restriction SAY complementary=sticky, Random! Palindrome MADAM 01/02/2010, 11/02/2011. STEP ON NO PETS.
GMO Genetic bacterial engineering could herald new era of biofuels Ebola vaccine in GM tobacco plants GMO Soybeans & Sustainability: herbicide and no-till Genetically Modified Salmon Coming Soon? (Link TV) Genetically modified mosquitoes bred to fight Zika But CORN is unnatural! Drought tolerant almond - sucking California dry?
Pork insulin 1 amino acid diff. Knockout mouse: inactivated gene.
golden Rice self-pollinated FDA: Generally Recognized as Safe; substantially equivalent. Golden rice: enriched with beta carotene to treat vitamin A deficiency (PRI) The Future of Food 25:30-30:00 engineering Roundup Ready corn
Bt European corn borer; Bt crystal: pore in gut cell membrane. 5.14 MONARCHcats?
Glyphosate inhibits aromatic a.a. (contains a ring - phenylalanine) - active growth
cloned BANANA seedless fruit clone underground stem: sucker, cutting. PEANUT embryo
White Dorset, Scottish Blackface egg. Explain SURROGATE.
The 4 HHMI is about embryonic stem cells. Therapeutic cloning I : nuclear transfer (HHMI) Therapeutic cloning II : making a blastocyst (HHMI) Therapeutic cloning III : blastocyst development (HHMI) Therapeutic cloning IV : growing stem cells (HHMI) First baby born with DNA from 3 parents 87MB NOVA-scienceNOW 3:30 IVF clinics, 5:30-10:30 11:40-13:40 remove IPS oncogene
STR Define TANDEM can be end-to-end like palindrome. 10 different alleles per STR.
electrophoresis Agar-agar ANODE, polyacrylamide semi-solid w pores 1987 Colin Pitchfork RFLP as a genetic diagnostic tool: determining a person's genotype by gel electrophoresis
fingerprint Add STEP 0: restriction ensyme!
NOVA-scienceNOW 2:20 GATTACA 4:30 SNP - 10:30 PSA test
76 MB Neil deGrasse Tyson; amniocentesis Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) Breeding out disease (CBS 60 Minutes, 10/26, 2014)1:30 - 6:45 Personal DNA testing 4:30 - 10:30 What are your genetic risk factors? (NOVA scienceNOW)
7ePost 1=a  2=a  3=d  4=b  5=d
       6=c  7=d  8=b  9=F 10=T
      11=F 12=T 13=T 14=T 15=A binding site.
      16=T 17=a 18=c 19=e 20=T

Copyleft Peter Chen