Graphing Notes

PRINT missing headers in 8.1 edition (gave data sheet to Barb):
P. 17 Study #3 The Heights of Students in Biology 1100
P. 19 (under PART A - see last paragraph) 3 items that are done correctly for Graph B
Bring color MARKERS, printed graphs! SHORT lab - do heights first 146 - 150 cm. Paper clip/tub, TOILET osmosis!
Note change data to 2 sections in data.txt also key1100 if double section!
ASK volunteers to draw graphs.

Student heights: start interval 1 or 6: 151-155, 156-160; leave last graph up for Q 2a, 2b data0.txt , data1.txt , data2.txt

Firefox to calculate Graph 4
Use graphing/classic to make gif, Discuss FAQ?

Copyleft Peter Chen